Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Items to Recycle

There have been some exciting new changes to recycling in Austin in the last few months.  They are listed below in my TIPS OF THE DAY.  If you do not live in Austin, check with your local recycling company to see if they take these items.

Styrofoam can now be recycled at the City of Austin Recycling and Reuse Drop Off Center in south Austin. This is very exciting because many of us use a lot of Styrofoam.  I did not realize how much I use until I started saving it – all my meat packaging, egg containers, doggie boxes and drinking cups from the Sonic are all now recyclable.   Only requirement is that it be clean and dry.

For many years we were not allowed to put shredded paper into our curbside recycling bin in Austin, BUT NOW WE CAN!  Shredded paper must be placed in a paper bag with the top part rolled down so the paper won’t fly out.

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